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醫用超純水機總彙(PDF 55頁)

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超純水, 純水機
醫用超純水機總彙(PDF 55頁)內容簡介
⒈ 封麵cover------1 頁
⒉ 公司簡介Introduction of Yingkou Jinyuan water industry science and technology CO.LTD ------ -----2 頁
3. 目錄content---------- ----3 頁
4.醫院檢驗科專用【2 級RO+2 級EDI+UV+MF+O3 工藝】實驗室分析純水製水設備
The ultra purewater(UPW) equipment apply to the checked of the hospital4 頁
5.醫院供應室專用【1 級RO+1 級EDI+UV+MF+O3 工藝】純化水製水設備
The purified water (PW)equipment apply to the supply room of the hospital5 頁
6.醫院血液透析室專用【2 級RO+1 級EDI+UV+MF+O3 工藝】血液透析用水製水設備
The Hemodialysis purified water(HDPW) equipment apply to the Hemodialysis room --------6 頁
7. 醫院製劑室用【2 級RO+2 級EDI+UV+EUF+SG 工藝】超純注射用水製水設備
The ultra purewater injection water (UPW IW)equipment use to the drug manufacturing room of the hospital------7 頁
8. 醫院口腔室用【2 級RO+UV+MF+O3 工藝】純淨水製水設備
The drinking purified water(DPW) equipment apply to the dentistry room of the hospital----8 頁
9. 醫院放射科用【1 級RO+2 級EDI+MF 工藝】高純水製水設備
The high purity water equipment apply to the X-ray room of the hospital---9 頁
10. 醫院婦產科用【1 級RO+UV+MF 工藝】去離子水製水設備
The purified water (DIW)equipment apply to the gynaecology and obstetrics room 10 頁
11. 醫院手術室用【1 級RO+2 級EDI+UV+EUF+O3 工藝】分析級注射用水製水設備
The purified water equipment apply to the operating room of the hospital-11 頁
12. 醫院鍋爐專用【SF+MF 工藝】軟化水設備
The soft water (SF)equipment apply to the boiler house of the hospital----12 頁
13. 醫院後勤科專用【2 級RO+UV+O3 工藝】飲用純淨水製水設備
The drinking purified water (DPW)equipment apply to the hospital building---13 頁
14. 醫院專用【2 級RO+2 級EDI+ UV+UF+SG+O3 工藝】中央超純水製水設備
The ultra pure water(UPW) centre equipment apply to the hospital building- --14-15 頁
15. 醫院汙水處理站專用【JYWT+MBR+UV+O3 工藝】汙水處理設備
The waste water(WW)treatment equipment apply to the hospital sewage station-------16 頁
16. 2 級EDI 技術的先進性簡介2stageEDI technology advancement introduction -----17 頁
17. EDI 技術與混床技術相比的先進性The advancement of the EDI technology compare with the MB----------17 頁
18. 2 級EDI 與1 級EDI 相比的先進性The advancement of the 2 stage EDIcompare with 1 stager EDI--------18 頁
19. 2 級RO+2 級EDI 工藝的先進性簡介
Introduction the advancement for the 2stage RO+2stageEDI process and technology --19-20 頁
20.. 2 級RO+2 級EDI 超純水設備在醫院檢驗科/供應室的典型用戶
2RO+2EDI technique UPW equipment typical user in hospital--------21-22 頁
21、2 級RO+2 級EDI 超純水設備在醫院製劑室/血透室的典型用戶
2RO+2EDI technique UPW equipment typical user in hospital--------23-24 頁
22、2 級RO+2 級EDI 超純水設備在血透室/口腔科/放射科的典型用戶
RO+EDI technique UPW equipment typical user in hospital23-24 頁
23、錦元水工2 級RO+2 級EDI 工藝超純水機典型業績使用工況
The introduction of the results of use conditions for ultra-pure water machine
using the technology of 2 stage RO and 2 stage EDI of Jinyuan water industry-----28-29 頁
24. 中國純水生產工藝的進步發展史簡介
2stageRO+2stageEDI UPW process advancement introduction--------30 頁
25. 保修條款guarantee clause ---- -----31 頁
26. 公司宗旨The company aim---------32
