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河北, 考試, 英語試題


Part 1 phonetics(10 points)

Directions: In each of the following groups of words ,there are four underlined letters or letter com binations marked A,B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that ys different from the others in pronunciation. You should de cide on the best choice and mard the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet w ITh a single line t HRough the center.

1.A.tomato B. potato C. banana D. father
2.A.forget B. short C. forty D. horse
3.A.neighbour B. height C. weight D. eighty
4.A. pleasure B. vis ITor C. raise D. physics
5.A. flow B. plow C. slow D. yellow
6.A.verb B. comb C. climb D. debt
7.A.expected B. intended C. doubted D. established
8.A.certain B. deserve C. merchant D. percent
9.A.through B. although C. theory D. t HRead
10.A.comfortable B. possible C. horrible D. constant

Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)

Directions : In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet w ITh a single line t HRough the center.
11.We can obtain knowledge from other sources books.
A. beside B. besides
C. apart D. in add ITion
12. that the family had taken w ITh then was one bottle of orange.
A. Anything B. Everything
C. What D. All
13.The student doesn’t work he used to.
A. so hard as B. so harder than
C. as harder as D. as hard like
14.—Could you have been more careful?
—Why, what wrong I ?
A. did; do B. will; do
C. have; done D. had; done
15.The number of people inv ITed fifty, but a number of them absent for different reasons.
A. were; was B. was ; was
C. was ; were D. were ; were

