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I. Directions: Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. WrITe the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)


1. challengeA. making dirty or impure

2. inaccessibleB. against reason or common sense

3. surgeC. forward movement like powerful waves

4.diverseD. greatness of size or importance

5. foulE. of different kinds

6. emergeF. rock in a very hot liquid state

7. heedG. question the lawfulness or rightness of

8. absurdH. give attention to

9.lavaI. that cannot be reached

10. magnITudeJ. come into existence

II. Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully, and choose A,B,C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or pHRase. Blacken the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)

11. THRough the passing millennia, thousands of animal species have come and gone.

A. arrived and left

B. appeared and escaped

C. come into existence and become extinct

D. apprOAched and disappeared

12. Occasional loss of livesTOCk must be weighed against the good these animals do in maintaining the balance of nature.

A. estimated byB. balanced by

C. copIEd in terms ofD. compared in terms of value of

13. Recognizing the growing tHReat HIV/AIDS poses to child survival, the Agency will support efforts for a solution.

A. affectsB. takes to

C. increasesD. points to

14. Pesticides have also taken their toll.

A. tHReatened their livesB. destroyed their habitat

C. played their partD. caused deaths

15. With each departure a small part of the diversITy of nature that makes life so interesting is also gone.

A. going awayB. extinction

C. changingD. disaster

16. Several months later a similar feat was performed by the first American astronaut to walk in space.

A. ordinary taskB. noteworthy achIEvement

C. common deedD. something done

17. On the earth, our atmosphere diffuses light so that, when the sun is up, light seems to be everywhere.

A. sends out in every directionB. focuses in every direction

C. concentrates in every directionD. reflects in every direction

18. During the subsEQuent lull in hunting, the seal population made a good, although temporary, recovery.

A. stopB. stillness

C. quIEtnessD. pause

19. A mutation happens to suit a new environment, and the “odd” creature survives because it is better fITted.

A. calciumB. remnant

C. alterationD. eradication

20. This is an unexplored area in vitamin research and the only known advantages of vITamin E are confined to specialized medical cases.

A. assessed inB. restricted to

C. contributed to
