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自考, 綜合英語, 試題





1. Mrs.SmITh is(   )the work so she has the right to deal withIT.

A. in charge ofB. interested in

C. satisfIEd wIThD. disappointed at

2. Four days later,a headline about a burglary(   )his eye.

A. caughtB. met

C. tookD. hIT

3. The inITials NE(   )North East.

A. mean forB. turn SW for

C. stand forD. long for

4. They are on the(   )of the suspect.

A. traceB. sign

C. trailD. path

5. She started to work(   )a will.

A. inB. against

C. wIThD. for

6. The trashman wasnt that kind of person who felt(   )of his revolted deeds.

A. contraryB. satisfIEd

C. surprisedD. ashamed

7. We drove to the dump and were back on the(   )by 100.

A. avenueB. track

C. routeD. barrIEr

8.(   )to all advice he gave up his job.

A. EssentialB. Discontented

C. DiscouragedD. Contrary

9. Being a(n)(   )girl,she is easily moved to tears by touching storIEs.

A. sickB. weak

C. naiveD. emotional

10. His time(   )entirely wITh his office work.

A. is taken upB. is taken in

C. is taken onD. is taken to

11. Half a year after the war,schools in the country returned to(   ).

A. normalB. cultivation

C. instructionD. education

12. When Beth is wrITing a letter,she looks deep in(   ).

A. thinkingB. thought

C. mindD. recall

13. He(   )a deep breath hearing his name called.

A. heldB. kept

C. drewD. spared

14. Music is different from languages.ITcan be(   )by people from different countrIEs.

A. spokenB. understood

C. knownD. taken

15. Most of the staff is away today so youll have to use whoever is(   ).

A. convenIEntB. available

C. apprOAchableD. applicable

