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IVocabulary and Structure(10 points1 point for eachITem)


1ITtook a Iong time for her to ______ the fact that her husband was dismissed

Acome up against Bcome up to

Ccome up wITh Dcome to terms wITh

2wasITin that school ______ he developed his interest in physics?

Awhich Bfrom which Cwhere Dthat

3______ for your helpI would not have over come the psychological pressures and tensions

ANot been BWIThout being

CHadITnot been DNot having been

4______ nothing to saythe boy shIEd way from the crowd

AHave BHaving CHad DHaving being

5As activity carrided ______ as one thinks fITin one's spare timeleisure has sereval functions.

Aon Bout Coff Dover

6Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter ______ he really needs is encouragement?

Awhen that Bsince that Cwhen what Dnow that

7The other timeing system belongs in our internal clockswhichleft ______ would tIEthe body to a 25-hour rythm.

Abehind Balone Cout Daside

8IThas been years ______ I returned home

Aafter Bthat Csince Dwhen

9We'll keep you ______ any news

Aup to date wITh Bin step wITh

Cin line wITh Din terms of

10I'd like to go to thecinemabut I'm ______ to

Aenable Bdisable Cunable Dable

IIcioIEye6t(10poht31poZnt foeach!tem)


Japan is a small country wITh few natural resouces. -11- thisJapanese productivITythe rate at which goods are produced, -12- more than I eleven times in the past thirty yearsMany people in the West wonder how the Japanese doITThe key -13- Japan's success can be discovered by looking at some basic differences between Japanese and Western attITudes towards work

People in the west generally vIEw work -14- a necessary evil-one must give up part of one's freedom to earn the money needed to live. To the Japanesehoweverwork is the central interest of one's life; it's -15- that a Japanese establishes his identITy.

A Japanes business firm is like a faamily When an emplo
