某消費品公司的拜訪八步驟(ppt 23頁)
1. 準備 preparation
2. 打招呼 Greet the Customer
3. 店情察看Store Check
4. 產品生動化Merchandise
5. 擬訂單 Determine the order
6. PEPSI 銷售陳述 Presentation
7. 回顧與總結 Curbside debrief
8. 行政工作 Administration
確保各SKU 均有充足的庫存 ensure appropriate products and packages are available
obtain best locations for products including, displays, visi-coolers, racks
所有產品, 依照陳列標準放在一起 bundle all brands together
瓶上的商標麵向消費者 ensure bottle label are facing consumers
清潔貨架、瓶身和售點廣告 (POP) Clean shelves, bottles and POP material
使產品享有公平合理的陳列空間 get a fair share of space for products
從陳列架上和冰箱內移走競爭對手的產品 Remove competitors products from our crates/visi-coolers
將購貨點宣傳材料放在醒目和客流量高的區域 place POP in visible and high traffic areas
檢查標價, 確保醒目明確make our pricing apparent to the consumer
調整倉庫內存貨位置 arrange stocks in back room
按照先進先出的原則, 輪換倉庫, 貨架和冰櫃內的產品rotate stocks to put older products in front and on top
擬訂單是為了避免斷貨 the process avoids OOS
務的關 鍵工具 your route book is the
key tool to perform this task well
記錄現有庫存 determine current stock
記錄現有空箱數 determine current boxs
對照庫存需求 擬定每個SKU的建議訂單
identify inventory needs and develop your suggestedorder on route card
determine actual sales since last visit
agree on the suggested order with customer
將訂購記錄在路線本上 update order in route book