國際新利体育取现 哲學理論(英文版)(ppt 395頁)
國際新利体育取现 哲學理論(英文版)(ppt 395頁)內容簡介
Course outline
Objective : this International Marketing course was develop to provide students wITh background for making marketing decision in the international business environment and to develop their capacity to assess and solve international marketing problems. This course will provide a basis for evaluating opportunITIEs existing in the international markets and learning how to wrITe a marketing plan. THRough lecture, discussion, and research, students will develop the ability to prepare marketing programs, which effectively reduce risk and take advantage of opportunITIEs in the marketplaces of the world.
ApprOAch : this course will be taught using lectures, discussions and case studying. Student participation is a key element in the learning situation and your active involvement in course activITIEs is expected.
Market research paper and presentation : you will select a country you belIEve exhibits significant market potential and gather information about that country .Oral presentations based on this information will be made in class. The most promising markets will be selected for further analysis and discussion. This marketing opportunITIEs will be examined by small groups of students, and each group will hand out a marketing plan .Your strategic plans and analysis will be presented in class and submitted in wrITing.