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某市場耐克買手寶典(中英文版)(ppt 45頁)

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市場, 買手, 中英文版
某市場耐克買手寶典(中英文版)(ppt 45頁)內容簡介

The success of the assortment is not based on the tool you use to visualize it, but the logic you use to build it.Sell-through calculates the % of a product’s original inventory or BOM that has sold during the designated time period, usually for periods of one week, one month or three months. Longer periods are measured in stock turnover.
This compares the style’s percentage to total sales against its percentage to total stock.The common mistake in retail is not taking markdown on seasonal products at timely base.Space Productivity seeks to analyze the sales and profits generated from the square footage allocated to a store or product type.
The simple statistics paint the big pictures but they do not tell you which styles to buy. Your analysis must dig deeper to guide your style assortment.
The Opportunity is the difference between where you are and what you can beTo plan for opportunity, you must make educated guesses based on your analysisMAXIMIZE THE ACCOUNTS CURRENT INESS

