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英語廣告語言的特征相關論文(英文版)(doc 7頁)

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英語廣告, 廣告語, 英文版
英語廣告語言的特征相關論文(英文版)(doc 7頁)內容簡介
The Features of Advertising English
Abstract: As the rapidly development of commercial economy, advertisement has increasingly impact on our daily life. We live in a fast paced society that is ruled by mass media. Every day we are bombarded by images of, perfect bodies, beautiful hair, flawless skin and ageless faces that flash at us like a slide show. These ideas and images are imbedded in our minds throughout our lives. Advertisements select audience openly and subliminally, and target them with their product. They allude to the fact that in order to be like the people in this advertisement you must use their product. This is not a new approach, nor is it unique to this generation, but never has it been as widely used as it is today.
Advertising English, as the most important parts of language in advertising, is rising apparently from the system of English. The copywriters and the linguists are attracted deeply by its unique style, great impellent and excellent illustration. Advertising English possesses some lexical, grammatical and rhetorical characteristics. In this paper, a brief introduction is given to its major features in order to know advertising English more deeply.
Key words: morphology syntax rhetorical features
Ⅰ、lexical features of advertising English
Advertising English boasts a rich and colorful vocabulary. As a means of transmitting information, brief, vivid and lively are his most brilliant traits.
1.New words or phrases created by means of imitation
In some advertisement, some words or phrases we are familiar with are misspelled or added to prefix and suffix in order to attract our attention and transmit information of goods.
E.g. (a) the orangemostest drink in the world
This is from an advertisement for soft drink. “orangemostest”= orange +most +est. “most” and “est” in here show that the drink is high quality and high purity.
(b) Give a timex to all, to all a good time
This is the title of advertisement for “timex” watch. Timex = time +time +excellent. So the ads stresses on its accuracy.
In advertising English, “super” and “ex” are added to the beginning or end of some words in order to emphasis the quality of goods. Such as supercalendered, supercolossal, supereminent, superfine, superlight, supernatural and rolex, pleytex, Kleenex.
E.g.(a) drinka pinta milka day
This is an advertisement for milk. The three words should be “drink pint milk” and the standard sentence should be “drink a pint of milk a day”. The ads not only draws our attention and inspire our interests, but also has a beautiful rhythm of poetry.
(b)we know eggsactly how to tell eggs.
“eggsactly” is the transformation of exactly and correspond with “egg” in pattern. This is the wisdom in humor.

