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國際著名酒店娛樂部程序(英文)(doc 23頁)

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國際, 名酒, 酒店, 娛樂, 程序
國際著名酒店娛樂部程序(英文)(doc 23頁)內容簡介

Beach Jog :For the beach jog, the instructor should be aware of everyone’s need and set of medium pace. He should check all guests are OK at intervals. If necessary , a pulse check should be made along the way.
Beach Walk :For the beach walk, the instructor should again keep a medium pace and engage in conversation with the group or individually. Informality should be stressed.
The scenic walk around the property should be similar to the beach walk, but specific places of interest should be pointed out . This would be the same with the children’s “exploring the property activity.”
Shell hunting :This activity is aimed at preparing for the talent show in the evening . The idea is to encourage children to participate and to suggest ways in which they might contribute. The show should be made into a programme and rehearsed in the early morning hour.
After getting a group together the instructor will introduce himself and explain that he will be doing a few simple stretches before the activity and he would like all guests to join in and copy the movements . It should be explained that the stretches are designed to alleviate any muscle soreness or potential damage which may occur during the jog or walk.

