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漢語, 教師資格考試, 英語試題


I. The following questions are based on the story you have just heard. You are tocircle the correct answer A,B, C or D shown in the following multiple choice questions on your examination sheet. (15%)

1. If RITa came home too late, her parents ____
A. would not allow her to use the car again.
B. would not allow her to get in.
C. would not allow Joe to see her again.
D. would not allow her to go out wITh Joe again.

2. RITa and Joe had been to ____
A. a movIE.
B. a disco dance.
C. a concert.
D. a theatre.

3. On their way back to RITa's house, they saw ____
A. an old classmate.
B. a spacecraft.
C. a broken car.
D. a strange photograph.

4. The two creatures wanted RITa and Joe to ____
A. give their car to them.
B. come to the spaceship.
C. have a picture taken.
D. show them their way home.

5. If RITa was to tell her parents what she had seen on the rOAd, ____
A. they would belIEve them.
B. they would not belIEve them.
C. they would be surprised.
D. they would ask them to proveIT.

